Tuesday 8 October 2013

Gymkhana Club’s 150th anniversary next month

Gymkhana Club’s 150th anniversary next month
The Colombo Gymkhana Club one of the oldest clubs in the region will commemorate their 150th anniversary this year with a series of sporting events scheduled for next month.

The Gymkhana Club situated at Maitland Crescent is a combination of the Colombo Cricket Club - CCC (established in 1863), Colombo Hockey and Football Club - CH and FC (1892) and Queens Tennis Club (1899).
The new committee of the Colombo Gymkhana Club headed by Shiran Anthony (Chairman), Russel Kerkoven (Vice Chairman), Prashantha Wimalasena(Secretary) and Sarath Ganegoda (Treasurer) and the ex-co members are ready to steer the club and bring back their old glory with enhanced facilities and cater to the present generation of all communities in Colombo.
Apart from the sporting events lined up there will be a birthday party for over three days with pomp and pageantry in a carnival atmosphere and the event will culminate with an official dance where the members will sport the costumes of 150 years ago to create a memory of the past.

The Colombo Gymkhana Club also has plans to reintroduce equestrian interest, outbound events and cycling and there will be a professional teaching outfit for eight sporting events under the name Gymkhana Sports Academy.

Based on curriculum, syllabus, training systems and competition the participants will see the fun in sports and gain personality and health at the same time and the program will also incorporate overseas experience. (C.D)

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