Friday 1 November 2013

Havelocks make it through hardship to glory

Chris Dhambarage

Three weeks before the commencement of the league tournament they were mourning the passing away of one of their key players and a loyal member of the club due to tragic circumstances.
But after just two months into the current SLRFU inter-club rugby season, Havelocks Sports Club are celebrating one of the greatest ever triumphs in their 97-year-old club rugby history.

Last week they were able to seal the Dialog ‘A’ Division League Championship in a spectacular manner with a stunning 50-19 victory against the defending champions Kandy Sports Club at Havelock Park.
Their success was further ensured with the final result of the match between their closest rivals Sri Lanka Navy Sports Club and the Up Country Lions Sports Club at Nawalapitiya going in favour of the latter.
“I think the late Wasim Thajudeen was one of the most loyal supporters of Havelocks Sports Club for a long period and he would have been the happiest if he was living today.

“Thajudeen was totally committed and was virtually the voice of Havelocks Sports Club both on and off the field and we would like to dedicate this success to him as a tribute to this great human being,” said Thusitha Peiris the assistant coach of the club.   
Peiris who was the head coach last season believed that the healthy competition among the players has also contributed to the team’s success where every position has been contested by the reserves.
“What has really transpired this season is that each position has been contested. That is something very good. We have a good set of boys in the second string side who are on the bench and trying to make an impact.”
 “They are pushing the senior players and they are pushing the current starting line up to the limit and they are also trying their very best to get into the side.
“That competition has brought the best in certain players and some of the players who were struggling last year have now decided to change their attitude.”      
Peiris further stated that the team’s fitness level throughout the season was at its peak and commended the efforts of their specialist physical fitness trainer Mohotilal Jayatilleke for a fantastic job.
“The impact of Mohotilal Jayatilleke as the physical trainer has also helped us a lot and the injury rate has been very low this season. This has been a great season for us and we have hardly had any major injuries except for one or two.
 “We have been very fortunate in that way and the credit should go to Mohotilal Jayatilleke who has been training hard with the boys. He has got the players’ body conditioning in place through power training, speed training and all that and made sure that they are in good condition to avoid major injuries,” added Peiris.
Meanwhile the man who really transformed this team into a champion outfit, Samoan-born coach Tulagaese Tawita, popularly known as Laga, believed that hard work and total commitment are the main reasons for their success.
“This is a young side with most of them in their early twenties but, they were very keen to learn and the combination was good with the presence of a few senior players in the side.

 “They have come a long way since I took over the side and the challenge was enormous because these players come from different backgrounds and their skill level was not so pronounced.
“Overall playing to a plan was an issue and getting the players into one unit within a short period of time was a huge task but I think everything has turned out well with the boys giving one hundred percent on the field.”
The Havelocks SC coach further noted that the team improved tremendously as the tournament progressed and were able to reach their peak during the second round of the league.  

“I think the match against Navy SC was the major turning point where we came from behind after trailing 0-22 at half time and eventually pulled off the game 22-20 which really showed the spirits of the boys and the character of the individuals.
“I have been associated with Kandy Sports Club and CR and FC for the past few years but I think my stint at Havelocks SC is undoubtedly the most productive period and I will cherish this moment for the rest of my career,” added Laga.

Meanwhile the captain of Havelocks Sports Club Henry Terrence said that it was a tough challenge at the beginning when he was handed over the leadership but thanks to the support of the players they were able to accomplish their mission successfully.
He further stated that the club have been planning and working hard for the past two years to achieve their ultimate goal and with the guidance and supervision of coach Laga they were able to clinch the league title.  

The Havelocks Sports Club Rugby Squad:
Prop forwards: Henry Terrence (captain), Dushantha Pradeep, P. Sopo
Hooker: Anjula de Silva, Rajiv Perera
Second row forwards: Kavinda Jayasena, Ashen Karthelis, Shenal Dias
Flankers: Dhiren Warnakulasuriya, Sudarshana Muthuthantri
Number eight: Autai Nissan, Asela Dissanayake
Scrum half: Amjad Buksh, Andrew Benson
Fly half: Niroshan Fernando, Rizwan Meedin
Centre three-quarters: Thusitha Samarathilake, Lee Keegal, William Hakalo
Wing three-quarters: Sandun Herath, Chamara Dabare, Dinesh Kumara
Full back: Mohamed Sheriff
Coach: Tulagaese Tawita (Laga)
Assistant coaches: Thusitha Peiris and Leonard de Zilva
Manager: Dinesh Mudalige

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